We install virtually everything ourselves, and when specialists are needed, we work alongside them. No worries. The latest horticultural standards, highest quality nursery stock and hand-picked plants make your garden a work of art.
During the Installation Process We Promise that We Will:
- Use Organic Fertilizers. We incorporate compost into the soil which allow the soil and plantings to become healthy and vibrant over time.
- Recycle Green Waste through practices such as composting.
- Purchase plants and materials from local suppliers, thus reducing the carbon footprint of each delivery.
- Preserve desirable existing plantings.
- Include follow up visits to the property to assess maintenance practices and to assure viability
- Treat water as a valuable resource. We use exclusively low water output irrigation. With proper design and plant selection, the need for irrigation can be reduced or eliminated. Furthermore, rainwater harvesting can be to capture storm water on site and use it for irrigation.
- Value Your Soil. It's likely that your garden's soil is compacted. Compacted soil leads to problems such as restricted plant growth, erosion, runoff and flooding. Runoff caused by compacted soils is one of the main sources of water pollution. We break up compacted soil and add compost to bring it to life and thereby make it arable.
- Preserve Existing Plants. Many homeowners want to remove all the plants from their property so that they can start with a clean slate. Often this ends up doing harm because it disrupts the natural processes occurring in the yard. Our sustainable landscaping approach is to assess the existing plant material and preserve existing plants where practical.
- Removal of Exotic or Invasive plants. Our team has a vast knowledge of plants and can recognize problematic plants. A plant is considered exotic (alien, foreign, non-indigenous, non-native) when it has been introduced by humans to a location(s) outside its native or natural range. This designation applies to a species introduced from another continent, another ecosystem, and even another habitat within an ecosystem. Many non-native species exist in apparent harmony in environments where they were introduced. However, introducing exotic plants can be highly disruptive to the local habitat. An invasive species is one that spreads and establishes over large areas, and persists. Invasiveness may be characterized and enhanced by robust vegetative growth, high reproductive rate, abundant seed production, high seed germination rate, and longevity. This excessive growth can overgrow and displace native plants, clog streams, and increase burn rates among many other negative effects. Invasive plants can be replaced with more appropriate choices. We choose the Right Plant for the Right Place.
- Conserve Material Resources We use locally produced materials and we recycle all materials that are removed from the site. We reduce yard waste by selecting appropriately sized plants and reusing and recycling construction waste. Furthermore, our building materials are carefully selected, using locally sourced materials whenever possible.